Adult Sewing Workshop Re-Cap and Re-Fresh

A pretty fantastic leather clutch made in the January workshop.

A pretty fantastic leather clutch made in the January workshop.


Last weekend, I taught my first adult workshop of this year. Like with each workshop that I do with children, I learn something new. As I clean up after everyone leaves, I think about what went right during the time and also what I can do to streamline or improve the experience for everyone next time. This workshop was no different. Each of the ladies that attended, learned something and left with a fabulous bag. However, it occurred to me, that maybe the adult workshops might be even better if they weren’t set up in the same manner as the ones for children. (If I didn’t love designing and sewing so much, I might be a professional organizer, planner or over thinker:) With that in mine, I plan to try a couple of different workshop models going forward. The first will be very much like the model that I have used in the past, where you can come in, learn a skill and leave with a fun, small (but stylish!) project in two hours. This is going to be how I will offer the beginners workshop. For a larger or more time intensive project, instead of a two hour workshop that inevitably lasts 3 or more, I’ll schedule it for more time to begin with. This way, we can take our time, relax, enjoy the learning experience, camaraderie and walk away with something special.

A longer workshop will also allow time for a break and some treats too! What do you think? What would you like to learn how to make?

Next workshops:

Cape or Poncho


The poncho and cape feature a generous, oversized drape. The sleeveless construction and extended hem make it ideal for layering - I like it best over skinny pants or jeans. Whether made of french terry, fleece, or lux cashmere, it will instantly update your much loved basics.

Saturday, March 16, 10-2 PM; $110

Click here to learn more.


Bralette- Coming Soon! I promise. As many of you know, I have been dealing with migraines and vertigo for the past 5 weeks. As such, I’m off my game a bit. For a project like a bralette that requires a bit more precision and detail, I need to get better before I can teach it.


Hilarie XOXO


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Setting the Scene for 2019